Fun stuff awaits

Oh hi! Clancy, Napkins, and I have been in Jefferson this past week working on our plans for the brick-and-mortar store. 

A series of lucky breaks...

I started reading and working through The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron early last summer, per the recommendation of stationery store owner Niki Neems. Perhaps another day I'll write more about my process with that book, but! one thing that stuck with me was the idea of synchronicity: 

“All too often, when people talk about creative work, they emphasize strategy. If you ask an artist how they got where they are, they will not describe breaking in but instead will talk of a series of lucky breaks. [...] I call them synchronicity.” — Julia Cameron

A corner building... 

I was visiting family in Jefferson last August. If you are from a small town, you can perhaps relate to the part of the trip that included the drive around town to talk about who died and who moved and who used to live where and which businesses are moving and what is opening up soon. I like to call this the classic drive-and-point.

One building that immediately caught my eye was the corner of State and Chestnut streets. It currently housed a bank that was in the process of building a new space. I was charmed by the orange brick and the many tall front and side windows.  

While I was back, I had also planned to have coffee with a former classmate of mine, Chris Deal. Like me, Chris had moved away from Jefferson after college. Unlike me, he had returned a few years ago and was now extremely involved in the local community. I told Chris about my ideas for Warm Wishes and we talked about open buildings. I brought up that beautiful corner store front that I'd seen on the drive-and-point. Little did I know, Chris was about to own that entire building. 


One thing led to another and now here I am, about to start a lease on the corner of State and Chestnut. 

Moving forward...

We will start building out the space in early June and I can't wait to share our plans here and with many pictures on Instagram (@warmwishesfromiowa) then. It's a work in progress and I'm excited to post more behind the scenes information soon! 

Warm Wishes from Iowa,


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