
Warm Wishes is owned by me, Kristin (Klang), and supported by my partner, Clancy. Our sweet shop dog, Napkins, passed away in May 2023 and will forever be a part of Warm Wishes. I'm a reader, embroiderer, early-2000s music lover, and Yoga With Adriene enthusiast. I love being in spaces that inspire me to live a silly and simple life.
As a small business, we prioritize working with independent artists that create quality paper goods and unique gifts. The brick-and-mortar Warm Wishes store opened in August 2022 on the historic Jefferson, Iowa square. Warm Wishes joins a thriving Main Street community of entrepreneurs, educators, and makers. I care deeply about bringing cool things to my hometown.
We would love to see you! Store location and hours are listed in the footer below.

Illustrations and logo by Alyse Ruriani. Website photography by Katie Decker Photo and Meythaler Photography.